No, when Macorva is synchronized with ADP all org chart edits must take place only in ADP. This maintains ADP as your source of truth. Edits in ADP will be synced over to Macorva in the next hourly update.
The only user account editing allowed are Macorva user permissions.
Editing Macorva EX user permissions
How can I modify Macorva EX user permissions?
Users with Administrator permissions or Macorva customer support can modify anoth...
Users with Administrator permissions or Macorva customer support can modify another user's permissions. To modify:
Step 1: Select Configure.
Step 2: Select People.
Step 3: Search and select an employee to edit.
Step 3: Check or uncheck to modify the user's settings under the EX section. Hover over the info bubble for detailed explanations of each permission group.
Step 4: Press Save.