We're excited to help you get started with Macorva EX so you can begin capturing and analyzing actionable employee experience feedback. Our user-friendly, mobile-first experience ensures you'll learn more from your co-workers than conventional survey tools.
Here's a quick rundown of the most important steps to help you get started.
Quick demo
Logging in
How do I log into Macorva?
Macorva uses magic links, or sign-in links, to provide access. This is more secur...
Macorva uses magic links, or sign-in links, to provide access. This is more secure than traditional username / password log-ins and integrates user authentication without additional steps.
Optional: SSO / Okta Support
Some companies have SSO setup for their Macorva accounts. If your company has this option enabled, you may notice that you do not have to log in when you go to company.macorva.com. Note that the magic links we send to your email and phone will still work on personal devices, without requiring you to be logged in through your main company account.
To complete a survey or view results, simply click the link included in your email or text notification from Macorva. Clicking this link logs you in and automatically directs you to your open survey or personal results dashboard.
To request a new sign-in link:
- Go to app.macorva.com, enter in your company email address, and click Send a new sign-in link.

- Check your email or phone for a message from Macorva.
- Click the link in this message to sign in.

You can generate a new sign-in link at any time by going to app.macorva.com.
Adding my org chart
Setting up my org chart
Configuring Macorva's org chart is your first step when implementing both EX and ...
Configuring Macorva's org chart is your first step when implementing both EX and CX plans. With the org chart, employees can see how your organization is structured, find the right person to contact for a project, look up contact information, review survey results, and more.
Our visual presentation helps employees put a name to a face, keeps your organization connected, and promotes transparency between leadership and employees. It's also the most flexible way to review EX survey results for yourself and your teams.

ADP integration
Macorva's integration with ADP completely automates org chart setup and management. After purchase, Macorva's customer support team will enable syncing with your ADP account. From there, Macorva will sync with your ADP system hourly based on any changes you've made and perform a full sync weekly.
If you notice any discprepancies, email support@macorva.com.
Bulk upload via CSV
Creating your org chart via CSV upload is the most flexible method for quickly building your org chart via a bulk upload. Follow these steps to create your org chart:
- Log into Macorva with your admin account.
- On the top menu, go to Configure> People and select Bulk download/upload
Recommended: Click Download org chart to download an editable *.csv template. The column titles in this file are already mapped to the correct contact variable. Just copy/paste your employee details into the file, save, upload under the Import people from CSV option, and click Update org chart.
Manual setup
Admin users can manage the org chart via Configure > People
From there, add new employees by selecting:
When adding a new employee, all required fields are noted and info bubbles provide additional details on hover.
Note: An employee's manager determines their specific position within the org chart.
Creating and sending my first EX survey
Building an EX survey
Macorva's self-service EX survey builder allows admin users to build and deploy e...
Monitoring my survey's progress
How do I monitor my employee survey after it starts?
After kicking off an employee survey, Macorva provides multiple status monitoring...
After kicking off an employee survey, Macorva provides multiple status monitoring options to help achieve the best completion rate possible. Check out the following options.
Survey administrator status page
Users with Admin permissions can review their survey status by:
- Select Configure -> EX Surveys and review open or closed surveys.
The listed surveys display:
- Open - The survey is in progress.
- Closed (private) - The survey is closed, but only survey previewers can review results.
- Closed (public) - The survey is closed and results are publicly available.
- % Completed: The percent of employees that have received the survey that have completed at least one question.
- Start / End dates: The opening and closing dates of the survey.
- Open an in process survey, review performance, and modify your communications if necessary.
After entering the survey, scroll to the Email / SMS notifications section to review delivery performance. The total number of sent emails and SMS messages are shown along with links to display any emails or SMS messages that fail to deliver.
As the survey progresses, you should observe the number of sent messages decrease as your workforce completes the survey. If necessary, you can add reminders by selecting Add new notification.
Manager-only status emails
All managers will receive their team's survey completion rates as part of any scheduled survey reminder email. Using this data, each manager easily monitor their teams and encourage completion as needed.
Reviewing my survey's results
After your survey closes, we recommend instituting a quiet period where results can be reviewed prior to public release. A general engagement survey coupled with 360 feedback helps you understand how employees feel about the organization and their coworkers while receiving suggested career development actions via Radiant AI. The first step in this process is understanding how Macorva computes results and ensures anonymity.
How are EX survey question results calculated?
How are EX survey question results calculated?
Weighted average results are calculated by assigning the following to each respon...
Weighted average results are calculated by assigning the following to each response and then computing an average for all respondents:
- 0% for “Strongly disagree”
- 25% for “Disagree”
- 50% for “Neutral”
- 75% for “Agree”
- 100% for “Strongly agree”
For example, if five employees in a department all responded with "Agree" for a question, the score would be 75%. However, if 4/5 responded "Agree" and one responded "Strongly disagree", the score would be 60%.
How is employee engagement measured?
Does Macorva measure employee engagement?
Yes, all Macorva EX plans include the option to send employee engagement surveys....
Engagement questions
By default, Macorva measures engagement from employee responses to our 5 Core Engagement questions which analyze key drivers of engagement. These questions are:
- Feeling happy at work
- Being recognized for doing a good job
- Understanding what it takes to be successful at work
- Having the tools needed to be successful at work
- Having opportunities to learn and grow
Users can also elect to include questions of their choice in the engagement calculation. You will want to communicate these changes with your Customer Success Manager.
Engagement calculation
Engagement is calculated as the percent of employees that completed the survey and answered "Agree" on average for the selected drivers.
Examples of an engaged employee are:
- An employee who answers “agree” to all engagement questions
- An employee who answers the first three engagement questions with “agree”, the fourth with “strongly agree” and the fifth with “neutral”
- An employee who answers “agree” to the first four engagement questions and the fifth with "neutral"
A Partially engaged employee will have an average that falls between neutral and agree on the selected drivers
Examples of a partially engaged employee are:
- An employee who answers “neutral” to all engagement questions
- An employee who answers the first two engagement questions with “agree” and the remaining three questions with “neutral”
An actively disengaged employee is someone who completed the survey and answered with an average below neutral on the selected drivers.
Examples of an actively disengaged employee are:
- An employee that answers all engagement questions with “disagree”
- An employee who answers three engagement questions with “disagree” and the other two with “neutral”
The percentage of employees who did not complete the survey added to the percent of employees who fit into each of these three groups will equal 100% of employees who were included in the survey.
Viewing team results
After an engagement survey is closed, managers of 5 or more employees can review their team's engagement via the Org Chart. To review, select the the "Org Chart" tab and select the survey you wish to view results for.

Detailed survey results within your team are available by expanding via the +.
Viewing overall results
Users with permission to "View entire company results" can view detailed and trending data reports. To view, select the “employees” tab.
See the following examples of reports:

What about unlimited 360 results?
What do 360° results look like?
As employees provide feedback on their coworkers, Macorva converts all 1-5 employ...
As employees provide feedback on their coworkers, Macorva converts all 1-5 employee experience ratings into 1-10 feedback scores for each employee to review in their own personalized Home dashboard. This conversion results in the following typical results breakdown:
Macorva also returns the positive and negative attributes that were selected most often in the employee’s ratings. For example, 60% of people who gave you feedback checked “Friendly” or “Disorganized.”
More than 30% of your coworkers must select a particular attribute before it is displayed.

Protecting anonymity
How does Macorva protect anonymity in EX employee surveys?
Macorva takes several steps to ensure employee feedback results are completely an...
Macorva takes several steps to ensure employee feedback results are completely anonymous. These include:
- Results are rounded.
- Results are limited or hidden based on the number of respondents for an organization, department, manager, etc.
- After a survey is closed and processed, the results that are saved to the database are already anonymized to safeguard against reporting non-anonymized results.
More detailed descriptions for each portion of the employee survey are shown below:
Manager view (Org Chart):
- No results shown: < 5 reports
- Completion and Engagement shown: >= 5 reports received the survey.
- Per question, weighted average results shown: >= 5 respondents to the survey.
Overview view (Employees):
- Special permissions are required to view the Employees > Overview page.
- Per question, detailed results shown: >= 25 respondents to the survey question.
- Per department per question, weighted average results shown: >= 5 respondents to the survey.
Departments view (Employees):
- Special permissions are required to view the Employees > Departments page.
- Completion and Engagement shown: >= 5 department employees received the survey.
- Per question, detailed results shown: >= 25 respondents to the survey question.
Comment view (Employees):
- Comments per department shown: Managers may view comments for departments with >= 25 survey employees and all employees within the department must report to them.
See these other helpful articles:
What's next?
After you've conducted your first survey and reviewed the results, it's important to publicize them. Tell people what you've learned, what actions the company is taking, and what actions your coworkers can take to improve their own results. Thankfully, Macorva helps with that too! Once your survey is public, Radiant AI suggested actions are updated for everyone giving each employee their own coach.
Your managers will have access to additional team data.
Viewing feedback for direct reports
Viewing EX employee survey feedback as a manager
The following video will show managers how they can review employee survey result...
The following video will show managers how they can review employee survey results and create action plans using Radiant AI suggestions in Macorva. Subjects covered in the video include:
- Accessing survey results
- Ensuring anonymity of employee survey feedback
- Reviewing team feedback
- Taking action using Radiant AI suggestions
Let us know how we can help!
Macorva support is always here to answer any of your questions and help you get the most out of your employee experience surveys. Reach out to support@macorva.com with any questions.